Sustaining a Long-Distance Relationship After You Move

Sustaining a Long-Distance Relationship After You Move

Romantic relationships play a huge role in our lives. When you are eighty years old and look back at your life, you will not wish that you spent more time working, sleeping or buying more expensive things. But have you ever been in a long-distance relationship? You have had to move for work but your partner cannot go along with you. Or you met on Tinder and live in two different countries.

The relationships you had and carried forward, especially romantic relationships, make up for most of your core memories. May it be heartbreaks or a moment of pure love, we retain these experiences on a molecular level and shape our lives.

In the modern quest for love, long-distance relationships cause a huge hurdle for budding love. Distance might make the heart grow fonder, but no one said it was easy. Often a long-distance relationship fails, and you need to work hard to sustain and help it survive.


The crux of any healthy relationship is clear communication. Long-distance relationships require better communication skills and the ability to process information healthily.

Every relationship is different, and you need to clarify the boundaries and desires with your partner. If both of you feel secure and clear from the beginning, it prompts a successful, long-lasting relationship.

The majority of people tend to forget that communication is dynamic and perpetual. You will inevitably grow individually and with your partner as time goes by. If you do not communicate and get stuck in old patterns, it will lead to a rift and eventually break your relationship.

Value Independence

It is natural to miss your partner and overcompensate for the lack of physical presence by spending more time on calls and texts. Carving out time for each other is crucial, but it can get toxic quickly if it disrupts your life outside of the relationship.

Setting boundaries and pursuing hobbies and work without your partner is not something you should feel guilty about. It will help you tether yourself to the reality of who you are as a person and appreciate your partner truly when you spend time with them. Additionally, keeping yourself busy will help you temporarily forget amplified feelings of missing your partner and feeling lonely.

Keep Things Interesting

Monotony kills the spark in any relationship. People assume it is meant to be dull and full of sacrifices after the honeymoon period. This outdated notion has destroyed many relationships or resulted in partners being deeply unhappy and feeling trapped in a relationship.

It is true that as the years roll on, it will not be as exciting and electric as the initial chase and getting to know each other phase. Although, if you push against complacency and keep finding new ways to love your partner, the spark will stay alive till you ride off into the sunset.

Getting out of your comfort zone and actively looking for ways to surprise your partner is pivotal. Try new restaurants, write a letter by hand, sing a song, find exciting activities to do together. The intimate knowledge about your partner combined with creativity has no limitations.

Embrace Simplicity

Excitement and new experiences are pivotal for any relationship. But it doesn’t mean that simplicity should not be infused with it. In the attempts to make every conversation, meeting and experience count, you might try too hard to omit the mundane conversations.

It is important to remember that true intimacy is achieved by accumulating all the small moments. A simple thing like talking about your day and explaining the small moments like what you had for lunch play a considerable role in making your partner feel more comfortable and included.

A relationship is not supposed to be a rollercoaster. You need to find the balance between stability and excitement. A move away from your partner requires emotional support as well as support from packing and moving companies to help make the move less painful. If you need help with your move, contact us now!

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