How To Make Relocating Smooth For Your Employees
When you relocate your workplace, the people who are most affected are your employees. Out of all the things that you must take care of while moving your office, your employees should be your priority. Many employees choose to quit when a corporate company relocates. This makes it difficult for the employer as one has to deal with the shortage in manpower and the process of relocation. Here are some tips to make relocating smooth for your employees:
1. Talk:
Talk to your employees months ahead of your move. This gives them time to prepare and if they cannot work at your new location, they can resign and give you time to find a replacement.
2. Involve:
Make your employees a part of the entire relocation process, right from scouting to the final move. The transparency will make your company stronger and the likes and dislikes of your staff will help you build the perfect workplace.
3. Plan:
Plan everything in detail. Take suggestions from your employees. To make things interesting you can hold a contest at your workplace to come up with the best relocation plan. This will get everyone thinking.
4. Hire:
Hire a professional moving company to help you with the move. Your employees could be great at their job but moving without a mess should be left to the experts. When everything is streamlined, it is easier for your employees to unsettle and settle.
5. Assign:
If you have a small team of employees, assign tasks to each employee related to the relocation. Group these tasks into things they have to do before and after the relocation. If you have a large team, make groups. One team can take care of the documentation, another team can take care of the furnishing or planning and so on. Classification will help everyone.
6. Arrange:
Before moving, make sure basic utilities are in place at your new workplace for your employees to use. Water, electricity, restrooms and air-conditioning are the basics that you need to make it smoother for your employees.
7. Allowance:
Consider giving them a relocation allowance for a short period of time. This will show that you care and help them deal with the additional costs of moving.
Contact us at 21st Century Relocations for customized quotes, time-bound execution and expert, professional assistance for your moving needs. Explore our services today!
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