Barcelona on Your Mind? Here are the Pros & Cons of Moving There

Barcelona on Your Mind? Here are the Pros & Cons of Moving There

Deciding to move to a new city can be influenced by numerous things. It might be for a job opportunity, starting a new life, or simply getting away from the monotony of life.

Regardless of the reason, you would want to move to a city that will suit your personality and needs. Barcelona is one of the most popular cities in Europe and attracts tourists from all around the globe.

If Barcelona was good enough for Messi to stay for twenty-one years, it could definitely be the next home for you. Let’s take a look at its pros and cons.


  • Because the city is a hotspot for tourists, you will interact with people from all around the world and learn about different cultures.
  • The architecture and infrastructure highlight the aesthetics of the city.
  • Spanish food, on average, is delicious, and Barcelona does it exceptionally well. Along with authentic Spanish food, the city also offers cuisines from all around the world to accommodate the tourists.
  • Being a tourist hub, the locals are generally friendly and helpful to newbies.
  • Barcelona has beautiful beaches you can enjoy on a sunny morning. The beaches are bustling with life, and you will find a lot of hawkers selling trinkets and mojitos.


  • The public transportation in the city is poor. The busses are slow, outdated and expensive. The metro isn’t that great either. The only solace is that you can use decently priced taxis or rent out scooters and zip around town.
  • Job opportunities aren’t plentiful, and the average salary is quite low, which makes it challenging to live a comfortable life.
  • Tourism in the city can become irritating when the entire town seems packed with people on the weekend. This also invites inflated prices for basic items, and you can be expected to pay the tourist price in many places.

Barcelona is a beautiful city to live in and if it is on your bucket list, go for it. Just ensure that the pros outweigh the cons to avoid any feelings of disappointment or resentment. If you need helping with moving to a new city, contact us now!

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