How to Decide What to Toss, What to Keep Before a Move? - 21st Century Relocations - Blogs

How to Decide What to Toss, What to Keep Before a Move?

Imagine you have gotten your dream job and you are moving to a new city. All the excitement soon dies out once you realise you have to pack and are unsure where to begin.

Packing is often ignored initially in the moving process. Most people understand how important it is at the last moment and regret procrastinating. We will answer one of the most important aspects of packing. How to Decide What to Toss, What to Keep Before a Move?

Initial things to consider

One of the most important driving factors of the packing process is the nature of your move. If you are moving to the same locality or even neighbouring cities, the considerations are different. You wouldn’t need to worry too much about the packing and moving process because of the short distance.

In most cases, you would probably move your belongings by yourself and with the help of family and friends. The short distance also allows you to make last-minute decisions and mitigate any minor issues. As the new city is close by, the climate will not vary much.

If your move is across states, all of the above factors need to be considered. You need to plan months in advance to buy packing material, equipment and hire moving companies. You cannot make any last-minute changes, and even the slightest hiccup could cost you money and time. If the new city has a different climate, it will not make sense to take most of your belongings there.

Questions to ask yourself

  • Do I need it, and does it help me?
  • Have I used this in the past year?
  • Is there any sentimental value attached, and how much?
  • Do I have similar items?
  • Does it fit in the new home?

Sometimes you have to force yourself to let a few things go. But, in the long run, it benefits you significantly. Most of us tend to hoard and clutter. A move is a perfect excuse to declutter your life and start afresh. If you need help with packing and moving, contact us now!

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