Reasons to Move: Should You Move Just For Love?

Reasons to Move: Should You Move Just For Love?

Human beings have been on the quest for love since the beginning of time. Millions of romantic novels and love songs later, we still don’t have a definitive answer for it.

But for the sake of today’s argument, let’s define love to our best capacity. Most people mistake the initial spark for love and end up burning out in a brief moment. Although, it doesn’t mean the spark is not important.

The initial attraction and ultimate passion is the fuel for your relationship that will help you nurture a meaningful relationship. True love is the choices you make after the honeymoon period is over.

Love is a series of choices you will make for the rest of your life in harmony with practical and logical decisions. A relationship will face numerous obstacles, and geographical distance is a common predicament. So, should you move just for love?

Is it a band-aid fix?  

If the reason for your move is to fix a relationship under duress because of distance, it is the wrong decision. Distance between partners causes discomfort and mild conflicts, but if the entire relationship is pushed into jeopardy, moving to appease the situation will implode soon.

Financial situation

Individual financial independence is key in any relationship. An apparent disparity between partners creates a power struggle, and very few relationships can push past it and live a healthy life. Moving for a partner with financial instability is adding fuel to the fire. One partner will always feel like the other is a burden and has to sacrifice a lot to make the relationship work.

Would you enjoy the new city?

Every person is unique and has core likes and dislikes that cannot be changed. A simple factor like the climate of a city or the culture can be off-putting to one partner but amazing to another. If you know you will not enjoy the city your partner is in, you shouldn’t move.

Job prospects  

If you are quitting your current job without a safety net to fall on, the outcome could be horrendous for your relationship. You will resent your partner for not being able to find a new job in the new city, even though it is not their fault. Additionally, not having anything to do in a city where you don’t know anyone is nothing short of torture.

If your outlook on the mentioned points is positive, you are ready to take the leap without hesitation. But as we said initially, love is not quantifiable, and no one has the right to tell you how you feel. Love can be miraculous, and if you feel you can make it work against all odds, don’t hesitate to make the move. If you need a helping hand with this daunting adventure, contact us now!

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