What if These 4 Superheroes Had to Relocate? (Part 2)
The Marvel and DC universe has been integrated into our lives regardless if you are a fan or not. Saying that these superheroes have a massive fan base would be a gross understatement. From comics or movies to lunch boxes, superheroes have created a cultural phenomenon. Speaking negatively about the Marvel or DC universe is considered sacrilege!
While we imagine our favourite superheroes kicking ass and saving people from a burning building, we thought it would be fun to ponder how they would tackle mundane tasks such as relocating to a new city and home.
Here’s Part 1 of the article that you all loved so much! Now, moving on to Part 2! What if superheroes had to relocate?
1. Thor
Sparkles is probably tired of fighting off Asgardian creatures and enemies from every corner. Even if we assume he enjoys a good fight and playing with Fenris like he is a husky, Loki will always find new ways to sabotage him. Thor will probably beg Heimdal to beam him to New York where he can move in with his nerdy girlfriend and live happily ever after. Bliss will probably last for a week until the avengers are called upon again.
2. Aquaman
You would think that Aquaman would only stay near a beach. Imagine if you were always in beautiful tropical beaches, but you could never enjoy the location because there is always some villain attacking Atlantis. He would pack a duffel bag with a bottle of whiskey and drive inland to some quaint location like Rajasthan. He would kick up his legs, enjoy his drink while listening to ACDC and enjoying some well-deserved down-time.
3. Iron Man
Tony Stark has all the money in the world and cutting-edge technology. This man would probably end up building similar houses all over the world, full of gizmos, cars and super suits.
Until his wife whacks him and forces him to enjoy the natural beauty of some exotic location like Thailand.
4. Flash
The fastest man in the universe doesn’t concern himself with the practical problems of relocating to a new place. Although, the fastest man probably enjoys a slow-paced life from time to time and is sipping a pint of beer in a quaint Irish town.
We hope you enjoyed this fun detour from your normal life. If you are thinking about relocating, let us be your Superman and help you with all the heavy lifting. Call us now!
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